We can all appreciate the beauty and craftsmanship of a finished countertop. At Granex Industries, we believe that craftsmanship is born in the CAD department. The Granex CAD department, responsible for accurately templating and measuring, is where the stone starts its path to the perfect fit.
Corey O’Brien, Granex Chief Executive Officer and owner, distinctly remembers 2006, when they purchased their first CNC router, “From day one, we committed to the path to automation.” He was right. Fifteen years later, that commitment to technology still exists and is thriving. Granex is using the best softwares and machines that are available in today’s stone industry. In the last 12 months, they’ve added two robotic saw jets and acquired more templating machines. And the additions don’t stop there. The size of the CAD department has doubled with the recent addition of new, tech savvy talent and the inclusion of the expediting team. They have also figured out a way to improve their internal processes to decrease lead times and increase accuracy.
Corey believes this restructuring and change in process has become a bigger part of what they do, because its positive effects have trickled down into the manufacturing and installation departments. Each department is more efficient than ever. His continued commitment to the CAD department is stronger than ever when he says, “We’re not there yet. We’re constantly changing. We’re constantly innovating, innovating, and innovating to make the process better.”